Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How Do You Feel About Karl's Doll?

In case you hadn't yet heard, Karl Lagerfeld is getting his own Barbie. Isn't that freaking exciting?

Don't get too excited though. It will inevitably be limited edition. Sorry, five year olds.

If I look back to my five year old self, I probably wouldn't have known who Karl was and just picked it out because of that rockin ponytail. No matter. Imitation is the best form of flattery. Who cares if no child will play with it?

For those of you who know Karl, you may have noticed that he's really into his toys.

Exhibit A: The furry keychain
Exhibit B: The Karl Doll Cara carried down the runway.
Exhibit C: TokiDoki
Now, let me ask you: does this make him vain or playful? On the one hand, he's clearly really into toys. On the other, they are all imitations of himself. Does he see himself as a godlike figure in the fashion industry? Is this justified? What would Coco have done? Or the real question: how much will this be worth in 50 years?

Take a look at the Barbie Karl designed by Mattel and let me know what you think. Would you pay 1,685$ for this?

Ponder that.


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